Handling client queries

The Queries tab displays all client queries, including quote requests and inspection requests.

There are 2 types of queries that you may receive from your clients:

  • Asking for quote query
  • Asking for quote with Inspection query

Your clients will have to call you to book. When your client calls, you create a query on your side. The Query will turn into a quote and then a job order card. Know that creating a query will start the booking process.

Creating a Query


  1. On the Sidebar menu, go to Jobs. Query is automatically selected.
  2. If clients is already added in the system, click the registered client check box and type the clients name in the search bar. 
  3. In step 1, Enter the client’s name:
    • If the client is not on the system yet, Enter the client’s name manually.
    • If client is already added in the system, type the client’s name on the search bar.
  4. Also in step 1, Enter client’s address:
    • If the client is not on the system yet, Enter the client’s address manually.
    • If client is already added in the system, the address bar is automatically filled out.
  5. Step 2, Choose the service that the client wants from the list.
  6. Choose the package.
  7. Click the toggle button beside each area to include or not include an area to clean based on the clients demands.
    • If you included an area, you may enter the client’s special instruction beside it.
  8. Choose the cleaning frequency.
    • Once off
    • Recurring
  9. Toggle the asked for inspection if the client asks for one. (The calendar for inspection automatically shows up if you set it to “required” in the Business Settings.)
    • Choose a date of inspection and assign inspectors.
    • Note: Step 9 makes a “Asking for quote with Inspection” query. If this step is skipped, it will make an Asking for quote query instead.
  10. Choose a schedule for cleaning and assign an available cleaner.
  11. In Step 3, ask for the client’s contact details.
  12. Click the Submit button to save the query.

Updating a query

There are 2 ways on how to update the quote:

  • On the Query list, using the more options icon (3 dots) and choosing Update.
  • If the Query modal is open, click the more options icon (3 dots) and choose Update.

a) On the Query list

  • Click the options icon of the query you want to update.
  • Choose Update.
  • Make changes.
  • Click the Submit button to save.

b) In the query details

  1. Click the View Details button of a query on the Queries list.
  2. Click the options icon.
  3. Choose Update.
  4. Make changes.
  5. Click the Submit button to save.

Deleting a query

There are 3 ways to delete queries:

  • On the Query list, using the options icon.
  • If the Query modal is open, click the options icon.
  • Deleting multiple queries in the Query list.

a) Deleting a single query on the query list

  1. Click the options icon of the query you want to update.
  2. Choose Delete
  3. Click the OK to confirm query deletion.

b) Deleting multiple queries on the query list

  1. Click the tick box of each query you want to delete.
  2. When a query or multiple queries are selected a delete button appears above the list.
  3. Click the OK to confirm query/ies deletion.

c) In the query details

  1. Click the View Details button of a query on the Queries list.
  2. Click the options icon.
  3. Choose Delete.
  4. Click the OK to confirm deletion.

Converting a query to a quote

A quote is produced by an Asking for quote query and a completed Inspection Card. In this Article we will talk about a quote created from an Asking for quote query.

Converting a query to a quote is very simple. Here are the steps:

  1. On the Sidebar menu, go to Jobs. Query is automatically selected.
  2. Open a query with the query type: Asking for quote.
  3. Once the query view details is open, at the bottom of the modal, click the Generate Quote.
    • You can preview and edit the quote before sending it to the client. Here is the list of the items you can edit in the quote:
      • Service Details
      • Description
      • Quantity (QTY)
      • Unit Price
      • GST

The converted quote will be moved to the Quotes list.

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