Adding your Clients

By utilizing the Clients tab, you can efficiently manage all your clients’ information and transaction histories. This approach ensures that you are always up-to-date and well-informed, allowing you to better serve your clients and improve overall satisfaction.

Adding your clients to the system

There are 2 ways to add a client to the system:

  • On the Clients menu; or
  • While creating a query. The Step 1 in Query Creation will add the client to the system if they are not in the system yet.

a) On the Clients menu

  1. On the Sidebar menu, go to Clients.
  2. Click the Add a Client button found above the list.
  3. A floating form will appear. Fill out the required fields on the form:
    • Full name
    • Address
    • Personal Email Address
    • Phone Number
    • Alt Phone Number
  4. Click the Submit button to save the new record.

b) While creating a query

  1. On the Sidebar menu, go to Jobs. Query is automatically selected.
  2. Click the Create Query button found above the list.
  3. In this example the client is not registered yet. So, in step 1, enter the following:
    • Full name
    • Address
  4. Once you click the Next: Choose Service button, it will save the client to the system. So even if you decide to cancel the query creation, the client record has been saved and will appear on the Clients list.

Note that adding the client through query creation will only save the client’s name and address. To complete the client’s details, proceed to Step 3(Contact Details) of the query creation or find the client on the Clients list and update the record.


Updating the Client’s details

There are 2 ways to update a client’s information:

  • On the Clients list, by clicking the more options icon (3 dots) and clicking the Update button; or
  • If the Client Details is open, click the options icon (3 dots) and clicking the Update button.
  1. On the Sidebar menu, go to Clients.
  2. On the Clients list, search for the client you want to update.
  3. You may choose either of the two ways of updating mentioned above.
  4. Once you click the more options icon (3 dots), choose Update.
  5. Make changes.
  6. Click Submit to save the changes.

Deactivating a client account

There are 2 ways to deactivate a client’s account:

  • On the Clients list, using the more options icon (3 dots).
  • If the Client Details is open, click the more options icon (3 dots).
  1. On the Sidebar menu, go to Clients.
  2. On the Clients list, search for the client account you want to deactivate.
  3. You may choose either of the two ways of deactivating mentioned above.
  4. Once you click the more options icon (3 dots), choose Deactivate Account.
  5. Click OK to confirm deactivation.

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