Tracking job progress

Tracking job progress just got easier! With our Activity Tracker, all inspections and cleaning jobs progress are monitored and recorded chronologically, so you know what order each task are completed and by whom.

This component is found in inspection cards, quotes, and job orders. It records all activities that happen in a job’s lifecycle. All updates in the job, may it be updates in the assigned cleaners, generated quote, or anything related to the job, is recorded here.

The job’s lifecycle either starts from an inspection (then ends after the job is marked as paid), or if the client or the job does not require an inspection, it can start in the approved quote. 

Steps on how to view a job’s Activity Tracker:

  1. On the Sidebar menu, go to Jobs.
  2. Select either the Inspections, Quotes, or Job Orders.
  3. Click a View Details button to open a Job card
  4. Click the Activity Tracker icon at the upper-right side of the modal. Click it again to close the tracker.

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