Skrub Hub – for Pro Cleaners


  • Inspectors – staff assigned with a inspection job.
  • Cleaners – staff assigned with a cleaning job.

As a cleaner or an inspector, you might wonder how to go about your job with your new Skrub Hub app. Here is an illustration that will help you understand how the app works and how you’ll use it when a job is finally assigned to you.

First and foremost, (0) you need add your availability in the app. This will notify your company that you are ready to receive a job.

Once you receive a job, you wait for the scheduled date. If it’s already the day of the job, you need to (1) Check in before you start travelling to the client’s location. This will start the background location and activity tracking that will allow your company to monitor you while you are on the job.

Once you arrive at the location, tap the (2) I’m Here button. This will notify the client that you have arrived.

If you are ready to start the job, tap the (3) Start Job button. If your company has a pre-job checklist required, you will see the checklist first and will need to complete it before you can start the actual job.

Once the inspection or cleaning is complete, tap the (4) Sign Off button to ask for the client’s signature of approval for the work that you have done. (5) Complete the job after by tapping the Complete Job button. This also stops the location and activity tracking.

All your activities once you check in until you complete the job are recorded in the company’s Job Activity Tracker.

You may download the pdf attached here for a better view of the illustration.

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